The Y H & C Investments GARP Model is a Separately Managed Account. It is not a mutual fund, but a model. The model can be invested in at Interactive Advisors by opening an account here. It will provide return and performance information for the last 5 years.
Click to Open AccountIn 2012, Y H & C Investments listed its GARP Model (Growth at a Reasonable Price) on an investment website called Covestor (now called Interactive Advisors). The model is based on the philosophy of researching, identifying, and then buying the stock of companies that will grow for a long time. The challenge is buying them at a ‘reasonable’ price. By owning companies that have expanded for 3, 5, and 10 years or more, owners of the model participate and benefit from this profit growth. There is minimal turnover in the model, which means we want to own these companies and not trade them. Quite a few of the companies pay quarterly dividends, which are increased on a yearly basis. There are some which do not pay dividends, and they use their cash flow to either reinvest in the business, pay down debt, or to buy back stock when it is on sale. It has quite a few high profile holdings and has positive returns in 6 out of the last 8 years including a better return than the S&P 500 in 4 out the 8 years.
The minimum level of investment for the model is $500.00 and the fee to invest is 1.5% yearly, billed every three months. The fee is split between Y H & C Investments and Interactive Advisors. The model is a nice alternative for investors who want to be able to invest with Y H & C Investments, but don’t meet the $100,000.00 minimum threshold.
If you have a more complex investment situation and are looking for customized asset management services, we offer a free consultation.
The Y H & C Investments Concentrated GARP Model is a Separately Managed Account. It is not a mutual fund, but a model. The model is based on the philosophy of researching, identifying, and then buying the stock of companies that will grow for a long time. The challenge is buying them at a ‘reasonable’ price. By owning companies that have expanded for 3, 5, and 10 years or more, owners of the model participate and benefit from this profit growth.
Click to Open AccountThere is minimal turnover in the model, which means we want to own these companies and not trade them. Quite a few of the companies pay quarterly dividends, which are increased on a yearly basis. There are some which do not pay dividends, and they use their cash flow to either reinvest in the business, pay down debt, or to buy back stock when it is on sale. The model can be invested in at Interactive Advisors by opening an account here. It will provide return and performance information for the last 10 years. The top ten holdings are provided on this page and it has higher concentration percentages in its larger positions than many portfolios..
The minimum level of investment for the model is $500.00 and the fee to invest is 1.5% yearly, billed every three months. The fee is split between Y H & C Investments and Interactive Advisors. The model is a nice alternative for investors who want to be able to invest with Y H & C Investments, but don’t meet the $100,000.00 minimum threshold.
If you have a more complex investment situation and are looking for customized asset management services, we offer a free consultation so we can be of assistance. Thanks so much.